6 Hotel Room Designs That You Can Copy for Your Bedroom

Hotel rooms are made as comfortable as possible so that guests feel at home and comfortable when resting. Beautiful interiors, soft mattresses, and piled pillows are the hallmark of hotel rooms. I was so comfortable, often many people wanted his bedroom like a five star hotel room.

However, having a bedroom like a hotel room is not impossible. You can mimic the design of hotel rooms for bedrooms in your house. The method is quite easy, you know! Well, we have chosen six hotel room designs that you can copy for your bedroom. Come on, peek below!

1.An elegant five-star hotel room interior

elegant five-star hotel room interior

First of all there are elegant five-star hotel rooms. The interior is dominated by dark blue and white. In some parts there are gold accents that look more luxurious. You can apply it to the chandelier, furniture legs, and simple lines on the wall surface. Don’t forget the blue velvet material to cover the bed and chair. Finally, place a large painting to decorate the wall behind the bed.

2.Elongated hotel rooms arranged nicely

Elongated hotel rooms arranged nicely

Elongated bedroom shape is not an obstacle for implementing hotel room designs. Place the bed near the window so you can get a beautiful view and morning sun. In the other corner, place the long table and sofa. Also add chair cushions with various covers.

For the elongated hotel room design, there is no need to use a lot of furniture because it will make it feel cramped. Don’t forget to maximize the lighting in your room, make sure the lighting is spread out at several points so that the room is bright and comfortable.

3.Hotel room design with soft lighting

Hotel room design with soft lighting

One of the most preferred things about hotel rooms is the soft lighting. With a soft lighting atmosphere, the atmosphere of the room seems more luxurious, calm, and comfortable, making it easier for you to sleep.

The key to emulating the design of this five-star hotel room is indirect yellow lighting. The light source is hidden behind the ceiling and headboard. Cover the entire surface of the floor with a carpet to perfect it.

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4.Inspiring hotel rooms for the twins’ rooms

hotel rooms for the twins' rooms

Hotel room design with twin bed type is suitable as inspiration when designing the twin bedroom. Two beds are placed on the left and right sides and additional elements of wooden lines on the walls and ceilings create a classic and comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom.

Each bed is equipped with a bed lamp and a wooden shelf. Concepts like this do not require additional decoration anymore. Take advantage of white lighting to perfect the minimalist atmosphere.

5.Imitate industrial-style hotel room design

industrial-style hotel room design

Lately, there are many new hotels that design rooms in an industrial style . This industrial hotel room is dominated by gray from concrete and brown from wood. On the opposite side of the bed was a TV and a table hanging from a concrete wall. Indirect lighting from behind the curtains makes the hotel room style design more comfortable.

6.Contemporary model hotel rooms

Contemporary model hotel rooms

This hotel room design is suitable for you who like modern art. The special feature of the contemporary design in this hotel room is on the wooden walls depicting people’s faces. You can replace it with a shadow image of an animal or favorite character. Place a leather armchair near the window. For the bed, choose a minimalist design. Don’t forget to add a chrome ball-shaped chandelier.

By imitating the six hotel room designs above, the bedroom in your house is guaranteed to feel like a five star hotel. Whatever design you choose, remember to diligently clean the room because comfort is not only from the design, but also cleanliness. Enjoy your hotel room at home!


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